Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can you develop regular store film with black and white developing chemicals?

i have left over film that i bought at the local drug store and i want to use it up to start buying Ilford film but i want to develop the film other than taking them to get developed.

So can i develop the film using chemicals for developing black and white film?

thanks.|||Of course you can-every type of photographic film can be developed in black and white developer.

If it's C41 process color film, however, the results you get won't exactly be typical. There will be an image there, however, it will be relatively low in contrast and not very sharp. It will also be buried under a very, very heavy orange mask and be very milky looking-you will need a strong back light to even see the image. It should go without saying that the image will be in black and white.

To get the best results possible when developing C41 film in black and white, I'd suggest keeping your developer at around 100 degrees farenheit, and developing for 6-7 minutes. Fix for a good long while-I'd suggest 15 minutes at least. The film will look opaque until dry-this is completely normal.|||Is it black and white film? If it is, then you can. If not, then you're cross-processing, and you will get unusual results.|||If it's B%26amp;W process film then sure. c41 film, not so much. Even B%26amp;W Ilford can be c41 process, just ask for true B%26amp;W. Colour won't work, you can't really do it my hand and remain sane anyway, colour negs are uber sensitive to any changes in temperature and time.|||Sure if the film is true black and white film ... not the new C-41 film that is processed, producing a black and white image.|||If it's black%26amp;white film, yes.

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