Thursday, December 8, 2011

What is the best way to get into professional Documentary Film Production?

I am currently working as an editor in a tv station, and I am interested in starting a career in documentary film production. How can I make such a switch? |||maybe ask your boss for information or speak to connexions, but they may just be for young people. Go down to your local library as they will have information on making career changes.

sorry i haven't given you a straightforward answer :S

good luck!|||Since you're already working in the industry, you know your question is overly vague. What is it that you want to do? Direct docs? Produce? Edit? Location sound?

From the little experience I have with docs, they seem to me as the most 'hardcore indie', which means all indie rules apply: low budgets, the director is often the driving force behind the project, festival circuit, mostly limited release, etc.

If you want to become a director, you should have a burning story to tell; a producer, have capital or access to it; crew, look where all low-budget filmmakers hang out.

Ask in more relevant communities, like and

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