Thursday, December 15, 2011

How is developing and printing 120 format film myself different than 35mm?

I'm setting up a darkroom in my bathroom and I want to get a Holga camera and develop and make prints from the 120 film myself. Obviously I'll need a different-sized reel and negative carrier than for 35mm film, right? Is there anything else I need to do differently?|||You need an enlarger capable of printing 120 film. The much larger negative may have significant light fall off in the corners of the image, but of course, we are working with a Holga here, so that may not be a problem.

For a how to videos for Holga, and other plastic cameras, check out my youtube channel:

For more info on lo-fi photography, visit my website:|||The film is thinner, more flexible, a bit harder to load. You correct about the reel and negative carrier.

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