Monday, December 12, 2011

Firefighters: does shatterproof window film pose a problem for firefighters trying to enter a burning home?

My husband and I are thinking about getting some security window film so that burglars can't break our ground floor windows and enter our home. I've seen demonstrations of how well the shatterproof film works and my husband is concerned that it might also prevent firefighters from entering our home in the event of a fire.

Have any firefighters encountered a burning home or building with this window film?

Does this window film pose a serious problem for firefighters trying to enter the home?

Thank you!|||No issues if they have difficulty they would use a pick axe and entry would be very simple. Thicker is better in shatter films at minimum an 8 ML think film should be used. No thinner films offer the same puncture strength.|||Your local fire department will be more than happy to let you know if this stuff passes fire code. Some bars on windows are not allow without a escape button.So give them a call , tell them what you want to do and see what they say.Also contact your home owners insurance and see what they think. May be a waste, or a reduction in your home owners insurance.|||It will not keep people from breaking in entirely........When you have this film, it helps the glass to remain intact such like a windsheild in a car.... Helps keeping all the small shards from being all over the place and to give the homeowner more time if they are home, or the neighbors alerted time from all the racket.......but continual beating will give way. As far as the fire dept... they have axes with a sharp pointed end that will puncture metal not alone a thin layer of plastic on glass.|||no

they usually pry the door open ,

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