Thursday, December 15, 2011

How can an aspiring film maker from Pittsburgh make it big?

Hey I am an aspiring film maker from Pittsburgh. I am looking for some advice on how to make it big in the business.|||George Romero did Night of the living Dead films in your area, right? study what he did. But of course a wham-bang of a unique idea is what would really separate you from the crowd.

Yeh study filmmakers like Romero. Of course this might mean you get a very exclusive audience... but even people like Ebert might recognize it.

just a thought||| - clerks is a good example of a successful film that was made for a very low budget ...figure out your budget and then write a creative script that falls within the budget ..Kevin Smith only had access to the store at night so he wrote into the script that someone had stuck chewing gum in the shutter door and it couldn't be opened ..this explains why the store is lit by fluro etc.. ..get creative to work around your budget limitations..remember you have plenty of time to work on the script etc.. so make sure you have everything planned ( unless you want to do improv) before you shoot|||Maybe, just start making videos with a camcorder and get them out there for people to see.

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